Strive for Purity

“But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is.And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure.” 1 John 3: 2-3

Just a simple thought for today. We should strive to be more like Christ everyday, which means fighting temptation and the standards of today’s culture to remain pure.  We should take extra precautions to avoid temptation, and we should equip ourselves more with words of scripture for encouragement to stay pure. Think about all of the commercials, advertisements, and television shows that advocate premarital sex. It has become socially acceptable to flaunt promiscuity in the media, which tricks our minds into thinking it may be okay to question the morals we were once so sure of. Take away temptation by realizing media pollutes our brains to think differently. Taking a break from forms of media for a few days might open your mind to see how it distorts our thinking every time we engage in television or the internet. Today, strive to be more like Christ, and make your purity important.